Saturday, September 13, 2008

Size is everything

We wanted a new telly. But in Dubai, you can't just buy a telly. You have to buy a big telly. So we bundled the kids in the big car, drove up the big highway, parked in the big mall and went in to the big electronic store to buy a big telly.

Following fascinating conversations about HDMI inputs, comparative contrast ratios, SRS technology, DNIe technology and 3D enablement, we chose a nice 50 inch Samsung because it was a shiny black colour just like the IKEA TV unit.

After being dragged off the shop's electronic bucking broncos by a fiercely moustachioed salesman, Dylan eyed our meagre 50 inches with a sneer and began fondly caressing the 103 inch TV beside it.
Jody, on the other hand, was more interested in a passing 103 inch polar bear.

Following a hard morning buying large televisions, it was off to Magic Planet. Because no self respecting shopping centre is complete without a huge children's adventure centre. After watching our new ten-year old friend Daniel scale the climbing wall, Rachel decided to give it a go, and show everyone how athletic she is. She did. By falling off the wall half way up.

Seeing an opportunity to demonstrate his physical superiority, Mark wriggled into a harness, and fell off the wall at the same place. But it wasn't his fault. His arms had turned to jelly. And he was sure that he had got a bit higher than Rachel. Honestly.

Unimpressed, Jody and Dylan decided to get to the top quicker by plane.

And then it was time to go and look for a big fridge freezer...

1 comment:

ChrisS said...

Oooo climbing. I'm very proud of you.....