Friday, October 2, 2009

It's been a while....

A few people have pointed out that it's been a while since the last blog appeared.

There are a few reasons for this.

1) we've been a bit busy.

2) Mark broke the camera, so the pictures we took were crap

3) Mark lost the camera, so the pictures we took were non-existent

4) Rachel's writing job got busy, then she started writing the next Harry Potter (except it doesn't have Harry Potter in it, and no one wants to publish it). So the thought of writing for fun didn't seem much, well, fun.

Still, it's nice to be missed. So, we'll try and remember what we've been up to...

We stayed in Dubai for the first half of the summer holidays. It was hot. Temperatures around 50 degrees and humidity over 75%.

Far too hot to entertain the kids. So we decided to let someone else do it for us. Dylan loves collecting flyers. Most of them just mess up the car, but he found one advertising a summer 'Sport' camp.

So off went Dylan and Jodie (who has changed the spelling of her name. Next month, J Diddy).

They originally went for a week. But they liked it so much they stayed for three.

The main objective was to get couch-potato Dylan to do some activity. For the first week it worked. The happy campers did 5 activities a day, made up from: Climbing, Football, Swimming, Tennis, Dodgeball, Basketball, Games and ICT.

The more observant of you may have noticed the odd-'sport'-out.

In the second week, Dylan realised that if he kicked up enough fuss they would let him swap dodgeball ( "People throw balls at me and I don't like it" ) for that great team sport - ICT. By the third week, Dylan had managed to wangle 5 session of ICT a day.

Sport camp was over. We took off our flip flops and boarded the plane.

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